Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Home and bacteria spores. Where is your home? How do you get rid of them?

Home and bacteria spores. Where is your home? How do you get rid of them?

Learn about the places they hide her bacteria home 

Every lady to clean her house down and then think that the House is clean and free from bacteria home , be aware that if you process of cleaning the House every day and every hour, there are some areas that hide by bacteria, that's why we offer you some areas That concentrate on bacteria.
Home and bacteria spores. Where is your home? How do you get rid of them?
  • Asfagnh dishes

Is the sponge is more things likely to collect bacteria home this due to seal moisture present always open it because it is not exposed to the Sun, and this along with the presence of plankton from sponge bath leftovers for the national development of the sponge in the microwave once a week for a period of not Less than two minutes and raise the temperature to a high degree, so you can kill bacteria, and put them in the air to dry before I use it in washing again.
  • Chopping Board

All kinds of cutting boards, whether plastic or wooden made up with lots of bacteria, and that they cut many types of foods, so you should always make sure to keep those paintings clean by clean boiling water or washed in the dishwasher for paintings. Plastic, either by wooden panels, present nbedat and makes them more likely to collect bacteria, this must be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide is available in pharmacies.
  • Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes in the bathroom can gather lots of bacteria, so you should wash them well in the dishwasher and it is necessary to change it every four months, you better put brushes in their atmospheres.
  • The inner part of the toilet

It is known that the inner part of the toilet are many germs and bacteria home, this due to permanent humidity so you should not forget to clean the vinegar webikrobat sodium and water in order to protect yourself and your family.
  • Lights switches and doorknobs.

Prepare the door handles and switches the lights are more vulnerable surfaces collect bacteria, this is because those family hands mlamst surfaces, so you can clean them should use effective disinfectants to clean these areas on a daily basis at least, this could accumulate on the bathroom door.

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